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Dentofacial Deformities

General description.



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What is a dentofacial deformity?
It is a condition that may be inborn or inherited, and in many cases by trauma to the jaws. It is also caused by bad habits that can deform or disrupt the normal growth of the face, either by mouth breathing, thumb sucking or pacifier use.

What types of deformities can occur?
These deformities may be from lack of growth or uneven growth of the face or jaws, which present with dental open bite, or to some side also the excess growth of the superior jawbone presents as maxillary protrusion (Longnose) or of the mandible presenting as mandibular prognathism or can also appear on lack of growth of the mandible presenting as microganacia with short chin retracted (bird's face).

How does it affect the jaw deformity and / or maxillary?
A deformity of the bones affected in different ways, the most common is an inability to chew properly which causes accelerated wastage of the teeth or molars, which creates a bad digestion.
It is also frequent to experience pain in the face and head by a chronically poor muscle function that this entails.
It can even cause a poor appearance due to facial asymmetry, with consequent loss of self-esteem.

How do I know if I have a dentofacial deformity?
The Maxillofacial Surgeon will have to make an assessment of your bite and symmetry that it has with the rest of the bones of the face.

What is a dentofacial deformity?
It is a condition that may be inborn or inherited, and in many other cases by trauma to the jaws. It is also caused by bad habits that can deform or alter normal growth of the face, either by mouth breathing, thumb sucking or pacifier use.

What should I do to fix the problem?
It must undertake a comprehensive study of the entire oral cavity, cheeks, bones and tissues that make up the face and chewing. If treated in time, may begin with a preventive treatment of dental or orthodontic alignment that can break bad habits. Prevention is the key to preventing further damage.

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